The project is carried out transnationally acknowledging that the exchange of the different experiences will enrich the results (tangible and intangible) of the project with a multidimensional point of view, also assured by the complementarity of the partners.
Meet the partners organitzacions:

The foundation aims at raising awareness about human rights. Through our work we apply performing arts and storytelling as tools to make change. Through our events and projects we are nurturing respect to cultural diversity and contributing to an inclusive society where values of respect, collaboration and understanding prevail.

The Cultural and Social Promotion Association Smascherati! APS aims to pursue the community’s general interest in human promotion through theatre and other performing arts, intended as tools for personal growth, communication, and dissemination of values such as intercultural dialogue and social and cultural inclusion, against youth discomfort and in favor of generational integration. Founded in 1989 in the city of Perugia by artists from a variety of theatre backgrounds, “Smascherati!” always worked on making widely divergent human experiences and cultures meet together through theatre and different forms of artistic expression.

Walktogether (WT) is focused on community based projects and together with its trainers and youth workers we work on making non -formal education part of the formal education. Our involvement at EU level is through different EU programs (EUCiz, Erasmus+) and the topics we focus on are social – economic related and of the interest to our target group who are 18 + year ols youth, youth workers and adult learners, including people with fewer opportunities such as cultural and social obstacles. WT is cooperating at local level with schools, municipalities and state youth centres in order to persue its goals and address the needs of our target group

Check-IN Association – Cooperation and Development is a non-profit organization, founded in 2010, based in Beja and also operating from Lisbon, in Portugal. It works in close cooperation with public and private entities, actively participating in quality of life improvement activities. Our organization mainly focuses on youth and adult mobility, non-formal education, cooperation and development of organizations and individuals and the overall sharing of knowledge, through the support of European cooperation initiatives. Our activities include workshops, seminars, team-building activities and training courses. We work directly with KA1, KA2 and Sports projects under the Erasmus+ Programme; European Solidarity Corps Europe for Citizens Programme and Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission.

IASIS NGO is a non-governmental, non-profit organization active in the field of Social Inclusion, Mental Health and De-institutionalization, which actively participates in the psychiatric reform promoted by the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity and the European Union. IASIS has an official registration as Private Non-Profit Organization and a Special Registration in Voluntary Non-Governmental Organizations Lists handled by the General Directorate of Welfare. The organization also has a Management Competence System certified by the Special Service / Department of Health and Social Solidarity. Organization’s main objective is to provide psychosocial support and education to people who either belong to the range of or are at risk of exclusion, and to adult learners in the humanitarian field.

Colectic is a nonprofit cooperative located in Barcelona, with more than 25 years of experience. It was founded by a group of educators in 1992 in order to work with young people in Raval neighborhood of Barcelona. The main mission of Colectic is to work for social transformation through participation, learning and socialization of ICT. We work using technology to improve the situation of communities and citizens’ groups, with special attention to the groups with fewer opportunities: young people, children, women, immigrant people, neighborhoods with low economic incomes, etc. Colectic also works on social skills and intercultural dialogue with our participants.