Non-verbal communication involves the transmission of messages in a non-verbal way, through movement, facial expressions, gestures, body posture, distance between individuals, etc. Understanding this type of communication is very important, especially in the case of refugees who often cannot communicate verbally as they don’t know the language of the host country. Τhe aim of the […]
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Let’s talk about digital opportunities and challenges for online and blended youth work! The COVID-19 crisis represents considerable risks in the fields of education, employment, mental health and income for young people, especially for vulnerable youth. While youth and future generations will shoulder much of the long-term economic and social consequences of both the more
My name is Alper Chochev, and I am 28 years old. I am born in Sevlievo, Bulgaria. I am currently doing what I have dreamed of, and I fought to achieve for many years. What is it and how did I get here… Stay turned to the end! I was 15 years old and confused
In March, the organizations partners of ACTin YOUth reunited in Rotterdam for a LTTA (Learning, Teaching Training Activity) regarding the project. The participants had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in theater techniques and dive into the field of theater of the oppressed. This LTTA, designed to capacitated youth workers with skills to design, development
The experience of theater in working with youth in social exclusion situationsRead More
Theater workshops for youth workers have started in Barcelona, at Raval neighborhood. The group of youth is established by persons with different cultural background and diverse social realities. The workshop help the youth workers to develop their skill’s day to day, but the most for accompanying their emotions. Create emotional relationships between the participants to
The theater embrace the realities and diversity of youthRead More
The ACtinYOUth training held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands had a significant impact on the overall skills of the participating Youth Workers. The knowledge and values acquired through the educational mobility made them capable and autonomous to design and create their own local training workshops. For example, Evi Apostolopoulou, the project’s Youth Worker, organized
Theatre-based Skills Enhancement Workshops in GreeceRead More
Самоувереност: Поемането на рискове в клас и представянето пред публика учат учениците да се доверяват на своите идеи и способности. Тази увереност ще им помогне да я прилагат в почти всеки аспект на живота им вбъдеще. Въображение: С една дума, пристрастен към технологиите, театърът предоставя изход за творчески избори, идеи и интерпретиране на материала по
Stichting CWM Education, Холандия, беше домакин на съвместното събитие за обучение на младежки работници на тема „YouTHEatre“ през първите дни на март. Целта на този семинар беше да даде на младежките работници (4 от всяка партньорска организация) всички теоретични и практически умения, свързани с театралните методи, които да им подпомогнат в провеждането на театрална дейност със своите
Успоредно с проучването за събиране на най-добри практики, WalkTogether проведе 2 фокус групи с участието на 12 младежки работници и учители, които споделиха своя опит, относно техниките и подходите към млади хора с различен културен произход, художествени инструменти за обучение на мигранти и изразиха своите мнение за ценностите на театралното и сценичното изкуство за социалното
By July we organized a focus group aiming to meet other local entities that work with youngsters with a theatrical approach. It has been an enriching experience, a two hours session of echange, reflection and willingness of networking. This activity is part of ACTinYOUth project, its main objective is foster youth workers’ intercultural competences with
Meeting for sharing theater experiences with local youngsters in BarcelonaRead More